Object Based Manufacturing
I've connected to an article on Object Based Manufacturing on the http://www.configuratorplus.com/blog site. I'll report back my findings when I'm done.
Change is a good thing... Massive change done elegantly is even better.
I've connected to an article on Object Based Manufacturing on the http://www.configuratorplus.com/blog site. I'll report back my findings when I'm done.
TrueSales first mailing for www.configuratorplus.com was just sent out this last Friday. We're expecting a good response and it should drive people to www.configuratorplus.com as well as www.wrighttools.com and www.repquotes.com.
The software on www.configuratorplus.com, www.wrighttools.com and www.repquotes.com can actually assist the Owner or President of an entity in presenting a high quality value proposition to the investment community. I'm working on the right words to describe that
Nothing new today. More up tomorrow. Reveiws of www.configuratorplus.com, www.wrighttools.com, www.repquotes.com coming soon. I'll be getting the hang of this whole thing soon.